The last time my brothers and I decided to get together, and do a photoshoot for my parents…was 2014. Welp, 6 years later- a lot has changed. I finally got rid of the blonde hair, we have a new addition to the family, and Jonathan…well, Jonathan is still the same hilarious person. (I just realized, I don’t think I’ve ever introduced you to my family on the blog, WHOA!).
In April, my mom turned 50, and we decided to hire a professional photographer to take our family photos…social distancing style. Amber Robinson NAILED IT! She was offering social distancing photos on the front porch…but as I was getting dressed, I was like, wait we have an acre backyard of green- let’s take these photos in the backyard! Just a little backstory about this photoshoot…it was VERY difficult to get us all on the same page. And it seems like I am the only person in my family that can properly plan. I’ve accepted my role.
10 minutes before Amber arrived, my mom decided to give Drew a bottle…and he absolutely fell asleep. WHY WOULD SHE DO THIS TO US. We had to wake him up out of his sleep, and put on his outfit. Let me just say- he was VERY unhappy. So in every single photo, it was like pulling teeth to get him to even look at us and smile. Just a disclaimer, so you don’t think sweet Drew Bear is a grumpy baby….he was just sleep walking. Jonathan (the middle brother), decided to also give Drew (my nephew) his first bright red slushy. That stained his hands and feet. I thank GOD for Amber’s editing skills.
I’ll write an separate blog post on the birthday party…but before then, here is just a snapshot of my favorite photos from this photoshoot 🙂
(One out of two pictures where he is smiling)
I normally don’t like putting my family on socials all the time- just to respect their privacy. But moments like this, are priceless. Treasure your family members during this time, and keep your black men uplifted.
I hope you all enjoyed a snapshot of such a fun afternoon (social-distancing style).